Internal Mode (INT):In this mode the timecode of the record is completely ignored. If you lift up the needle and drop it on a different position, the new position will be disregarded and the song continues from its last position, which is ideal for scratching, but of course not for mixing. Consequently, “needle drops” do not have any effect. Relative Mode (REL):Using Relative Mode the direction and speed will be evaluated, but not the position. Thus, when dropping the needle anywhere on the timecode vinyl, DigiScratch will jump to the appropriate playback position of the currently loaded song file. “needle drops” (lift up the needle and drop it on a different position) are possible. The current position on the vinyl, as well as the direction and speed is considered.
DigiScratch offers three different modes / possibilities to control or play tracks of your hard disk:Ībsolute Mode (ABS):In this mode every status of the vinyl is processed by the software.